30% Off Tara Brach’s Meditation and Psychotherapy Course

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In this course, you will journey with Tara Brach will teach you to learn how can we heal trauma without re-traumatizing ourselves. Enrolling in Tara Brach’s Meditation and Psychotherapy Course.

The mental health difficulties we face are almost always rooted in past experiences – especially trauma. In a therapeutic setting, we often need to explore the hardest and most intense times of our personal history as part of the healing process.

Yet how can a therapist create a sense of safety and stability to let that exploration occur? How can we keep from inadvertently re-traumatizing our clients when we’re trying to help them?

As both research and innumerable case studies show, mindfulness meditation practices give therapists a powerful resource for navigating this essential and delicate challenge.

That’s one of the key reasons why renowned meditation teacher and clinical psychologist Dr. Tara Brach created Meditation and Psychotherapy: An Online Training Course for Integrating Mindfulness into Clinical Practice.

Course: Tara Brach’s Meditation and Psychotherapy Course
Author: Tara Brach, Ph.D. is an internationally known teacher of mindfulness meditation, a Clinical Psychologist, Meditation, and the bestselling author.
Description: An Online Training Course for Integrating Mindfulness into Clinical Practice
Categories: Online Courses
Content: 9 Video Sessions + 3 Bonuses: Meditation and Psychotherapy plus your 3 bonuses bring you more than 22 hours of life-changing teachings.
Includes: Lifetime access
Languages: English
Platform: Sounds True
There is no risk: 100% money-back guarantee!

Take the course, Tara Brach’s Meditation and Psychotherapy Course. Here are some of the things you’ll be able to do after taking this course:
In this nine-week training, Tara offers insights, tools, and guided meditations to help healing professionals integrate mindfulness into their practice – and personal lives. Throughout the course, you’ll learn new methods and techniques for helping clients revisit and process difficult memories, emotions, and traumatic events from a place of safety and inner stability, including:

How to catch and disarm the “flinch reflex” that instinctively guides us to shy away from painful experience
The somatic component of healing—how to help clients locate and address trauma stored in the tissues of the body
Discover the essence of mindfulness and receive a guided practice for exploring it
Learn how to recognize “false refuges,” or strategies that we use to escape pain
Delve deeply into the challenges of staying present, and begin learning about the RAIN technique, a liberating four-part process for using mindful attention to work through “stuck situations” in life
Explore self-forgiveness practices for healing the layers of past events that we have been unable to let go of with Meditation and Psychotherapy
Learn how to waken, open, and soften your heart by learning and using the practice of metta, or lovingkindness.
Self-compassion practices for healing the sense of shame, guilt, or self-judgment that often surrounds painful experience and so much more…

One of the greatest benefits of meditation for the therapist is that it gives us practical, time-tested tools for creating a clinical setting of peace and safety so we can help a client investigate their most sensitive wounds.

Who this course is for:
This course is intended for mental health professionals, their clients, and anyone interested in using the core techniques, practices, and insights from Buddhist psychology for emotional healing and greater awareness.

Enroll in This Online Course Now!

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