Coupons tagged with "Development"

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  1. 83% Off Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course | Udemy Coupon

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    Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Co... more ››


    Details: Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course | Udemy This course includes: 53 hours on-demand video, 7 articles, 6 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion. Instructor: Stephen Ulibarri is an Engineer, Programmer, Game Developer, Author What you'll learn How to code games in Unreal Engine 5 An RPG action game with a third-person character Combat with swords and other ... more ››

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  2. 25% Off Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot | Udemy Coupon

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    Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot | Udemy ... more ››


    Details: Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot | Udemy This course includes: 5.5 hours on-demand video, Assignments, 3 articles, 47 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion What you'll learn Learn what Kafka is and how it works How to install and run Kafka locally Create a Spring Boot application that integrates with Kafka Use Spring Kafka to consume and produce messages Cover the impor... more ››

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  3. 25% Off 【AIチャットアプリ開発】Next.js & Firebase & ChatGPT APIを使ったWebアプリ開発講座 | Udemy C...

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    【AIチャットアプリ開発】Next.js & Firebase & ChatGPT ... more ››


    Details: 【AIチャットアプリ開発】Next.js & Firebase & ChatGPT APIを使ったWebアプリ開発講座 | Udemy This course includes: 3 hours on-demand video, 2 articles, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion What you'll learn ChatGPT APIを使ってチャットアプリケーション開発が学べる Nextjs13の最新バージョンでの開発ができる Firebase最新バージョン9.0以降でのJavascriptライブラリの利用法が学べる Firebase Cloud Firestoreでデータベースをリアルタイムで監視・取得ができる Firebase Authenticationを用いたメール・パスワードでユーザー管理ができる Firebase... more ››

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  4. 25% Off React y NodeJS en producción – Configurar servidores VPS | Udemy Coupon

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    React y NodeJS en producción - Configurar servidor... more ››


    Details: React y NodeJS en producción - Configurar servidores VPS | Udemy Aprende a desplegar en producción aplicaciones web desarrolladas con el MERN Stack, Node, ReactJS y MongoDB paso a paso This course includes: 3.5 hours on-demand video, 6 articles, 1 downloadable resource, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion Instructor: Víctor Robles Soy desarrollador web en una empresa y llevo inmerso en el mundo de la p... more ››

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  5. 25% Off REST API’s RESTFul do 0 à AWS c. Spring Boot 3 Java e Docker | Udemy Coup...

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    REST API's RESTFul do 0 à AWS c. Spring Boot 3 Jav... more ››


    Details: REST API's RESTFul do 0 à AWS c. Spring Boot 3 Java e Docker | Udemy Desenvolva uma API REST do 0 e implante na AWS c. Spring Boot framework Swagger JWT JUnit 5 Mockito Docker React JS e + This course includes: 41.5 hours on-demand video, 517 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion. What you'll learn 10% Teoria e 90% Prática A desenvolver uma API RESTFul do 0 absoluto As boas pr... more ››

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  6. 25% Off Machine Learning on Google Cloud with AutoML and VertexAI | Udemy Coupon

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    Machine Learning on Google Cloud with AutoML and V... more ››


    Details: Machine Learning on Google Cloud with AutoML and VertexAI | Udemy Discover how to use AutoML on Google Cloud with Vertex AI This course includes: 4 hours of on-demand video, 15 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access Certificate of completion Instructor: Jose Portilla has a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Santa Clara University and years of experience as a professional instructor and trainer for D... more ››

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  7. 25% Off Complete Godot 3D: Develop Your Own 3D Games Using Godot 4 | Udemy Coupon

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    Complete Godot 3D: Develop Your Own 3D Games Using... more ››


    Details: Complete Godot 3D: Develop Your Own 3D Games Using Godot 4 | Udemy Learn how to create 3D games from start to finish in Godot engine 4 and GDScript! - EARLY ACCESS This course includes: 8 hours on-demand video, 1 article, 4 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion. Instructor: GameDev tv was created to help anyone learn how to develop, design and sell indie games. We have some of the... more ››

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  8. 67% Off C# .NET Core Clean Architecture & CQRS Proje Altyapı Kursu 3 | Udemy Coupo...

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    C# .NET Core Clean Architecture & CQRS Proje A... more ››


    Details: C# .NET Core Clean Architecture & CQRS Proje Altyapı Kursu 3 | Udemy C# .NET ile kurumsal altyapı geliştiriyoruz. CQRS, Clean Architecture, DDD, Pipeline, code generation ve çok fazlası. This course includes: 2.5 hours on-demand video, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion What you'll learn Set 1 - DDD odaklı Clean Architecture İmplementasyonu Öğreneceksiniz Set 1 - CQRS (Command Query Responsib... more ››

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  9. 95% Off NodeJS: De cero a experto | Udemy Coupon

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    NodeJS: De cero a experto | Udemy Clean Archite... more ››


    Details: NodeJS: De cero a experto | Udemy Clean Architecture, DDD, WebHooks, WebSockets, Tareas automáticas, Despliegues, TypeScript, Edge, Testing y más This course includes: 37.5 hours on-demand video, 54 articles, 7 downloadable resources, Access on mobile and TV Full lifetime access, Certificate of completion Instructor: Fernando Herrera is a Full-Stack Developer & Teacher Soy un analista programador de sistemas de computo, con poco ... more ››

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  10. 86% Off React & TypeScript – The Practical Guide | Udemy Coupon

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    React & TypeScript - The Practical Guide | Ude... more ››


    Details: React & TypeScript - The Practical Guide | Udemy This course includes: 7.5 hours of on-demand video, 11 articles, Access on mobile and TV, Full lifetime access, Closed captions, a Certificate of completion Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmuller is a AWS certified, Professional Web Developer and Instructor What you'll learn Learn how to build React apps with TypeScript Get a structured introduction to TypeScript Use both basic ... more ››

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